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Hartford Soccer Club

Hartford Soccer Club

Order Here

Support the Hartford Soccer Club by participating in our current fundraiser! 


This year, all sales from your family will be combined into one order total, unless your players have different last names. This simplifies order fulfillment for our volunteers and eliminates errors.

Fundraiser Flyer - Click to View

Fundraiser F.A.Q.

What are we selling?
Cookie Dough and Hartford Soccer Club-branded items

Who is the fundraising company?
Rise and Shine Fundraising (formerly known as Raising the Steaks)

Why are we selling?
Fundraising helps the Hartford Soccer Club support our community and keep fees low

When are the fundraising dates?
August 16, 2024 at midnight (Friday)

September 15, 2024 at midnight (Sunday)

October 10, 2024 from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm (Thursday) at concession stand

How do I collect fundraising orders?
Each family will be emailed a Rally-Up link where orders can be placed
login to Rally-Up to track your family’s orders and confirm sales

Paper forms can be provided upon request to collect orders that are not placed online

If I want to take paper orders, what do I need to know?
Collect the money upon order so that you can submit payment with the order form
- Checks should be made out to your family and not to the Hartford Soccer Club
- Do not duplicate online orders on paper or in Rally-Up
- Enter paper orders into Rally-Up and pay through the platform before the deadline
- If you cannot enter paper orders into Rally-Up, get them in to your Team Director by the deadline along with a single check for the entire amount
(we will not refuse multiple checks, but would like to discourage the practice)

What if I cannot pick up my order?
Please speak with your Team Director or coach to see if they can pick up your order 
- If they cannot, please contact Fundraiser Coordinator to discuss other options
- If your order was not picked up on pick up night, it will be stored for one week only

What are the prizes?
16+ items Be entered to win an Apple Watch or Wireless Earbuds
- 20+ items Earn 1 reach into the money bag and
(1 extra reach per 10 additional items thereafter)

 Race to 50+ items
- 1st to 50+ Earn $50 and 2 bonus money bag reaches
- 2nd-5th Earn $50
- 6th-10th Earn 2 bonus money bag reaches
- Top Seller Earn $100
- 2nd Place Seller Earn 3 bonus money bag reaches

Who do I contact with questions?
Jessica Theisen

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